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The idea of sunlight as a source of energy came about during the industrial eras. India has a huge potential for solar energy. Geographically speaking, India is a prime location for solar power. We have 300 days of sunshine, a seasonal peak in the summer, and our peak power demand occurs in the evening rather […]

The long-term energy problems that emerging nations like India have been experiencing could very well be solved by solar energy. In developing nations, particularly India, the difference between power supply and demand is growing at an alarming rate. Expanding solar energy production, which has a sufficient capacity to produce electricity, can cover this gap. This […]

Solar energy works by transforming solar energy into power. Electricity and heat are the two energy types that the sun produces for human use. Both are produced through the installation of solar panels, which can be as small as those on a homeowner’s roof or as large as those covering acres of rural land. Solar […]

Solar panel technology has advanced significantly over the years, and a variety of new solar panels are now available on the market. However, there are two major types of solar panels to consider when evaluating your PV system’s solar panel options. Mono-crystalline solar panels Poly-crystalline solar panels Both types of panels use the sun’s […]