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Our blog is where we share our knowledgeful insights about what we have learned so far

The legal team with ready contracts and clauses to review, negotiate and resolve disputes after that along with a successful history and licenses, certifications, and accreditations.
A consultant ensures the provision of auxiliary services and components that are essential to a good quality solar project and its longevity.

Like every year, MNRE has announced the benchmark cost for grid-connected rooftop solar power generating systems (GCRTSPV system) in India. To regulate the GCRTSPV system’s price, MNRE sets a cap on the pricing by implementing the benchmark cost. The price is reduced to a record low. End customers are being affected, having received a more inadequate quality system, which results in lower ROI despite paying lower CAPEX. Some unethical System integrators are offering low-quality materials and low quality to give the system within benchmark cost

Solar Power is one of the renewable energy resources in the world. The sun’s radiant light and heat are harnessed by various technologies like Photovoltaic systems, solar thermal collectors, etc. The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of solar radiation at its upper atmosphere. 30% of the energy is reflected in space, and the rest is harvested by cloud, ocean, land, etc. The spectrum of solar light at the Earth’s surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the near-ultraviolet.[6] Most of the world’s population live in areas with insolation levels of 150–300 watts/m2, or 3.5–7.0 kWh/m2 per day.

Did you know that in 30 years, the IEA foresees solar PV to reach 4.7 terawatts, of which more than half will be deployed in China and India, making solar power the world’s largest source of electricity in the entire world? India has always been a leading figure in photovoltaic energy, our solar installed capacity reached 37.627 GW as of 31 March 2020. It’s clear that solar energy is paving its path towards global dominance, but that shouldn’t be the only reason to jump into the bandwagon and switch over to it, right? First and foremost, at our current rate, all fossil fuel reserves are expected to be exhausted by 2060. India relies on coal, fossil fuel for 70% of its electricity generation.